Friday, October 30, 2020

El arresto de Unabomber

Uno de los agentes del FBI, que participó del arresto de Kaczynski, el Unabomber, cuenta lo que sintió en el momento, y describe el lugar donde vivía el asesino. Por un tiempo se sospechó que Kaczynski era el Asesino del Zodíaco.

En vocabulario: disheveled, scraggly, matted down


… estaba esa imagen combinada con la apariencia desordenada, la barba larga y el pelo sucio, que se movía en 20 direcciones diferentes. Los ojos, sus ojos eran diferentes a cualquiera que haya visto antes. Y aun mirando en esos ojos era casi como si no tuvieran emociones…

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Las víctimas de Unabomber

Unabomber eligió a sus víctimas de los campos de la tecnología, aunque en realidad cualquiera podría haber muerto con las explosiones, incluidos niños. ¿Se justificaba arriesgar así la vida de tantos inocentes? ¿Buscaba hacer el bien dejando lisiados a tantos? Ted Kaczynski, que nunca dijo estar loco, recibió como castigo la pena de cadena perpetua.

En vocabulario: rig, shrapnel, dire


Grandes cantidades de humo llenaron el interior, forzando a los pilotos a hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia en Dulles


… voló a Thomas Mosser porque su firma había ayudado a Exxon a limpiar su imagen pública después del incidente del Exxon Valdez

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Ted Kaczynski

Ted Kaczynski resultó ser el Unabomber, un loco que creía que enviar una bomba a alguien relacionado con la tecnología era lícito en su lucha por iniciar una revolución

En vocabulario: untenable


En 1995 envió una carta al New York Times y prometió desistir de su campaña de terrorismo si el Times publicaba su ensayo Industrial Society and Its Future, en el que argumentaba que lo de las bombas era algo extremo, pero necesario para atraer la atención a la erosión de la libertad…


Kaczynski fue objeto de una de las más largas y caras investigaciones en la historia del FBI


Theodore John Kaczynski (nacido en 1942 o sea que tiene 78 años al día de hoy), conocido como el Unabomber fue profesor de matemáticas.  Dejó su carrera académica en 1969 para seguir un estilo de vida primitivo.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Chaim Herzog

 En 1976 Chaim Herzog, embajador israelí en las Naciones Unidas, se refirió al rescate de Entebbe, que eliminó a los terroristas que tenían un avión secuestrado, y alabó el trabajo de las Fuerzas de Defensa Israelíes. Herzorg había combatido con los británicos en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y también era veterano de la guerra Árabe-Israelí. En vocabulario: connivence


"For us, the Jewish people, this resolution based on hatred, falsehood and arrogance, is devoid of any moral or legal value. For us, the Jewish people, this is no more than a piece of paper and we shall treat it as such."


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Yonatan Netanyahu


La vida de Yonatan Netanyahu, el hermano mayor del primer ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, contada aquí (en inglés). Desde siempre Yonatan sintió la necesidad de participar de la defensa de su país, que se veía amenazado por varios frentes. Yoni estuvo en Operation Entebbe, Six-Day War, Operation Spring of Youth, entre otras, como comando. En vocabulario: meager, skirmish, thwart



The trouble with the youth here is that their lives are meager in content. I ought to be ready at every moment of my life to confront myself and say—'This is what I've done'…


Yonatan "Yoni" Netanyahu (1946 – 1976) was an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) officer who commanded the elite commando unit Sayeret Matkal during Operation Entebbe, an operation to rescue hostages held at Entebbe Airport in Uganda in 1976. The mission was successful, with 102 of the 106 hostages rescued, but Netanyahu was killed in action—the only IDF fatality during the operation.


Yonatan Netanyahu was born in New York City, the eldest son of Zila and Benzion Netanyahu. His mother had been born in Petah Tikva, in what is now Israel, which was then in the Ottoman Empire's Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, while his father was born in Warsaw and immigrated to Palestine in 1920.


While in high school, he began contemplating his purpose in life, when he wrote in a 1963 letter,

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Benjamín Netanyahu

 Sobre Yonatan

Yonatan Netanyahu formaba parte del grupo comando que atacó el aeropuerto de Entebbe y recuperó a los rehenes del avión de Air France, en 1976. En el transcurso de la acción recibió un balazo que le provocó la muerte. Su hermano, Benjamín, primer ministro israelí, habla sobre el momento en que supo de la acción y el contárselo a sus padres.


Creo que es una historia memorable de lo que una democracia enfrenta cuando tiene brazos fuertes…


Monday, October 19, 2020

Idi Amin

Entrevista con el dictador

Idi Amin fue el dictador que gobernó Uganda durante el rescate de los israelíes en el aeropuerto de Entebbe. Amin cortejó con los Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña al principio de su mandato para volver hacia Cuba, Irán y la Unión Soviética cuando sus ideas se fueron al extremo opuesto. En el video de abajo Idi, en el exilio, habla sobre su paso por el gobierno, es casi una carmelita descalza…


—Después de la liberación de Kampala, 3 días después, fui al State Research Bureau y el subsuelo estaba lleno de cuerpos. Todos con disparos. Había sangre en todo el piso.

—Después de la toma de Kampala pusieron los cuerpos ahí para que nadie supiera. Yo mantuve al ejército fuera de Kampala

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Operación Entebbe

Operación Entebbe significó la liberación de los rehenes de terroristas como así también el éxito más grande de una fuerza militar de élite en cualquier parte del mundo. Sara Guter Davidson, Ilan Hartuv y Michael Bacos, capitán del vuelo de Air France, recuerdan las horas antes del asalto de las tropas de élite judías en Entebbe.

Amitzur Kafri y Amir Ofer, comandos israelíes, recuerdan los momentos del aterrizaje en Entebbe.


"Me abracé a Benny. No podía ver a Uzi ni a Ron debido a todo el caos. Solo cubrí a Benny con mi cuerpo…"


Operación Entebbe, o Thunderbolt, fue una misión de rescate llevada a cabo por comandos de la Israel Defense Forces (IDF) en el aeropuerto de Entebbe, Uganda, el 4 de julio de 1976.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Noticias de un secuestro

El Airbus A300 de Air France, en 1976

En 1976 un avión de Air France es secuestrado por miembros del Frente Popular para la Liberación de Palestina. Desvían el avión, en curso a París, y aterrizan en Uganda, en aquel entonces bajo el dictador Idi Amin Dada. A continuación noticias del secuestro y los arreglos diplomáticos para tratar de liberarlo…


En Libia las tropas rodearon el avión y autoridades lo abordaron varias veces, tratando de negociar con los secuestradores. Un grupo radical, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, tomó responsabilidad por el secuestro…


El 27 de junio de 1976 un avión de Air France (Airbus A 300), con 248 pasajeros, fue secuestrado por dos miembros del Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine y 2 miembros de la Revolutionary Cells alemanes.

Monday, October 12, 2020

The Education of Little Tree

The Education of Little Tree was written by Asa Carter, the same man who wrote the segregationist speeches of former governor George Wallace. Carter tried to hide his identity writing under a pseudonym but was discovered by a journalist from the New York Times. And one question comes to my mind: are there prejudices against native Americans? Watch the video below


Para saber: literary hoax. En vocabulario: hollow y moonshine


In 2007, Oprah Winfrey pulled the book from a list of recommended titles on her website…


… the bus driver turned around to the crowd in the bus and lifted his right hand and said, “How!” and laughed, and all the people laughed…


The Education of Little Tree is a memoir-style novel written by Asa Earl Carter under the pseudonym Forrest Carter. First published in 1976 by Delacorte Press, it was initially promoted as an authentic autobiography recounting Forrest Carter's youth experiences with his Cherokee grandparents in the Appalachian mountains. However, the book was quickly proven to be a literary hoax orchestrated by Asa Earl Carter, a KKK member from Alabama heavily involved in segregationist causes before he launched his career as a novelist.

In 2007, Oprah Winfrey pulled the book from a list of recommended titles on her website.



The fictional memoirs of Forrest "Little Tree" Carter begin in the late 1920s when, as the protagonist, his parents die and he is given over into the care of his part-Cherokee grandfather and his Cherokee grandmother at the age of five years.

The story centers on a clever child's relationship with his Scottish-Cherokee grandfather, a man named Wales (an overlap with Carter's other fiction).

The boy's Cherokee "Granpa" and Cherokee "Granma" call him "Little Tree" and teach him about nature, farming, whiskey making, mountain life, society, love, and spirit by a combination of gentle guidance and encouragement of independent experience.

The story takes place during the fifth to tenth years of the boy's life, as he comes to know his new home in a remote mountain hollow. Granpa runs a small moonshine operation during Prohibition. The grandparents and visitors to the hollow expose Little Tree to supposed Cherokee ways and "mountain people" values. Encounters with outsiders, including "the law," "politicians," "guv'mint," city "slickers," and "Christians" of various types add to Little Tree's lessons, each phrased and repeated in catchy ways.

The state eventually forces Little Tree into a residential school, where he stays for a few months. At the school, Little Tree suffers from the prejudice and ignorance of the school's caretakers toward Indians and the natural world. Little Tree is rescued when his grandparents' Native American friend Willow John notices his unhappiness and demands Little Tree be withdrawn from the school.



Hollow: A hollow is a small valley or dry stream bed.


Moonshine: Moonshine was originally a slang term for high-proof distilled spirits that were and continue to be produced illicitly, without government authorization.



… Ma lasted a year after Pa was gone. That´s how I came to live with Granpa and Granma when I was five years old.

The kinfolks have raised some mortal fuss about it, according to Granma, after the funeral.

There in the gullied backyard of our hillside shack, they had stood around in a group and thrashed it out proper as to where I was to go, while they divided up the painted bedstead and the table and chairs.

Granpa had not said anything. He stood back at the edge of the yard, on the fringe of the crowd, and Granma stood behind him. Granpa was half Cherokee and Granma full blood.

He stood above the rest of the folks; tall, six-foot-four with his big, black hat and shiny, black suit that was only worn to church and funerals. Granma had kept her eyes to the ground, but Granpa had looked at me, over the crowd, and so I had edged to him across th yard and held onto his leg and wouldn`t turn loose even when they tried to take me away.

Grandma said I didn`t holler one bit, nor cry, just held on; and after a long time, them tugging and me holding, Grandpa had reached down and placed his big hand on my head.

“Leave him be,” he had said. And so they left me be. Grandpa seldom spoke in a crowd, but when he did, Granma said, folks listened.

We walked down the hillside in the dark winter afternoon and onto the road that led into town. Granpa led the way down the side of the road, my clothes slung over his shoulder in a tow sack. I learned right off that when you walked behind Granpa, you trotted; and Granma, behind me, occasionally lifted her skirts to keep up.

When we reached the sidewalks in town, we walked the same way, Granpa leading, until we came to the back of the bus station. We stood there for a long time; Granma reading the lettering on the front of the buses as they came and went. Granpa said that Granma could read fancy as anybody. She picked out our bus, right on the nose, just as dusk dark was settin´in.

We waited until all the people were on the bus, and it was a good thing, because trouble set up the minute we set foot inside the door. Granpa led the way, me in the middle and Granma was standing on the lower step, just inside the door. Granpa pulled his snap-purse from his forward pants pocket and stood ready to pay.

“Where`s your ticket?” the bus driver said real loud, and everybody in the bus set up to take notice of us. This didn´t bother Granpa one bit. He told the bus driver we stood ready to pay, and Granma whispered from behind me for Granpa to tell where we were going. Granpa told him.

The bus driver told Granpa how much it was and while Granpa counted out the money real careful –for the light wasn´t good to count by- the bus driver turned around to the crowd in the bus and lifted his right hand and said, “How!” and laughed, and all the people laughed. I felt better about it, knowing they was friendly and didn´t take offense because we didn´t have a ticket.

Then we walked to the back of the bus and I noticed a sick lady. She was unnatural black all around he reyes and her mouth was red all over from blood; but as we passed, she put a hand over her mouth and took it off and hollered real loud, “Wa…hoo!” But I figured the pain must have passed right quick, becaused she laughed, and everybody else laughed. The man sitting beside her was laughing too and he slapped his leg. He had a big shiny pin on his tie, so I knew they was rich and could get a doctor if they needed one.

I sat in the middle between Granma and Granpa, and Granma reached across and patted Granpa on the hand, and he held her hand across my lap. It felt good, and so I slept.

It was deep into the night when we got off the bus on the side of a gravel road. Granpa set off walking, me and Granma behind. It was cracking cold. The moon was out, like half of a fat watermelon, and silvering the road ahead until it curved out of sight.

It wasn´t until we turned off the road, onto wagon ruts with grass in the middle, that I noticed the mountains. Dark and shadowed, they were with the half-moon right atop a ridge that lifted so high it bent your head back to look. I shivered at the blankness of the mountains.

Granma spoke from behind me, “Wales, he`s tiring out” Granpa stopped and turned. He looked down at me and the big hat shadowed his face.

“It´s better to wear out when ye´ve lost something,” he said. He turned and set off again, but now it was easier to keep up. Granpa had slowed down, so I figured he was tired too.

After a long time, we turned off the wagon ruts onto the foot trail and headed dead set into the mountains…


Para saber

Literary forgery (also known as literary hoax) is writing, such as a manuscript or a literary work, which is either deliberately misattributed to a historical or invented author, or is a purported memoir or other presumably nonfictional writing deceptively presented as true when, in fact, it presents untrue or imaginary information. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was an antisemitic forged document first published in Russia. The abridged version was available to the public in 1903. The document was exposed as plagiarism by English journalist Philip Graves in 1921.


Discrimination in America: Native American Experiences

How do Native Americans experience discrimination in daily life? A new poll reveals that more than a third of Native Americans and their family members have experienced slurs and violence, and close to a third have faced discrimination in the workplace and when interacting with police. The poll also reveals that Native Americans who live in majority-Native areas are significantly more likely to experience this kind of discrimination.


Artículos relacionados

En aquella época Wallace era un ardiente segregacionista… El discurso de George Wallace


Queremos la libertad. Queremos poder para determinar el destino de nuestra Comunidad Negra… Mandamientos de Los Pantera Negra


… en los 50s, 18 presos negros en una prisión en Georgia rompieron sus piernas con martillos para llamar la atención sobre las condiciones en que vivían… Sobre los derechos civiles


Esto es parte del archivo: Segregación por siempre


Friday, October 9, 2020

Segregación racial

Segregación racial es la separación sistemática de la gente en grupos raciales.  La segregación racial se equipara al apartheid. La segregación puede suponer la separación espacial de las razas y el uso obligatorio de diferentes instituciones, como las escuelas.


En los Estados Unidos la segregación racial fue ley y se estableció junto a las leyes que prohibían los matrimonios interraciales, hasta que el juez de la Suprema Corte, Earl Warren, terminó con las leyes segregacionistas.


Se usaron carteles para mostrar a la gente de color donde podían caminar, hablar, beber, descansar o comer. En aquellos lugares donde se mezclaba la gente las personas de color tenían que esperar a que los clientes blancos fueran atendidos primero. También había reglas restringiendo la entrada de afros americanos en negocios blancos.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

El discurso de George Wallace

George Corley Wallace Jr. fue gobernador de Alabama por 4 períodos. Fue conocido por defender el segregacionismo y el populismo, y se postuló como candidato a  presidente en varias ocasiones. Su campaña terminó cuando le dispararon en Maryland, dejándolo paralítico. Wallace muró en 1998.


En vocabulario: gauntlet


Wallace cambió sus puntos de vista sobre la segregación y se arrepintió de su famosa frase…


“Tuve que enfrentarme a la segregación o ser derrotado, pero nunca insulté a la gente de color llamándolos inferiores”, dijo…

Monday, October 5, 2020

Asa Carter

Asa Carter representa todo los obscuro de Estados Unidos, el peligro que todos percibimos cuando hablamos de racismo y discriminación. Esta es su biografía. En vocabulario: toting


Trabajó en varias estaciones de radio hasta que fue despedido por no bajar el tono de su retórica anti semita…


"Soon, you can expect your wife to be pulled over to the side of the road by one of these Ubangi or Watusi tribesmen wearing the badge of Anglo-Saxon law enforcement and toting a gun... but (he'll be) as uncivilized as the day his kind were found eating their kin in a jungle…"

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Roger Waters sobre Donald Trump

Roger Waters habla sobre Donald Trump (no lo quiere ni un poquito), la prensa, el dinero y su mensaje a las personas. En vocabulario: disparage.

Rogers está viviendo ahora en los Estados Unidos y tiene derecho a expresar sus opiniones, como cualquier otro vecino. No todos estarán conformes con sus opiniones, por supuesto.


 “Donald Trump es totalmente impredecible.”


“Las noticias se han mezclado con el entretenimiento. En consecuencia Donald Trump es ideal…”

Friday, October 2, 2020

Clint Eastwood, el bueno

 Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood protagonizó algunos de los westerns más conocidos, aunque no siempre fue reconocido por sus buenas actuaciones por la crítica. En esta entrevista Eastwood señala que en For a Fistful of Dollars encarna al antihéroe…


En For a Fistful of Dollars él es la epítome de lo antihéroe. Es uno de los pocos films del oeste en el que el héroe instiga al conflicto en la historia… y resulta algo interesante…


Eastwood tuvo una serie de trabajos en sus comienzos, incluidos los de salvavidas, repartidor de papel, encargado de almacén, guardabosque y caddy.