Monday, February 4, 2019

Asociación Internacional de Mujeres Policías

La Asociación Internacional de Mujeres Policías fue creada con el objetivo fortalecer a las mujeres. Señala que las mujeres policías pueden sufrir acoso, discriminación o peligros o tener limitaciones en las oportunidades de trabajo. En vocabulario sting operations

The International Association of Women Police (IAWP) is a global organization for women in criminal justice professions. Its mission is to "strengthen, unite and raise the profile of women in criminal justice internationally."
The International Policewomen's Association was founded in 1915. Alice Stebbins Wells, the first policewoman in the United States, was appointed the association's first president. Its charter was adopted in 1916 in Washington, D.C. From 1919–1932, the president of the association was Mina Van Winkle. After her death, the association dwindled (declined). It was not until 1956 that the association was revived at a meeting of the Women Peace Officers of California, where it was renamed the International Association of Women Police. Lois Higgins, a veteran of the Chicago Police Department, was elected the association's president, and under her leadership the IAWP grew in strength and numbers. The organization fought discrimination against women in the police force and opposed separate women’s bureaus within police departments.

Alice Stebbins Wells
Alice Stebbins Wells
The IAWP promotes the idea that female officers should not live in fear of harassment, and should be treated with respect and fairness from each of their coworkers. The members of this organization work to deconstruct the social stigmas that follow women on to the police force. Sexual harassment and a hostile environment are most commonly dealt with. Sexual harassment encompasses unwanted sexual advances such as requesting sexual acts, or promising a promotion or pay raise in return for a sexual favor. A hostile environment involves any act that unwanted and may have a negative effect on the person being acted against and their job performance.
One of the main goals that the IAWP prides itself on is the abolishment of discrimination of women on the police force. For example, not being provided a separate place from men in order to change into the work uniform is defined as a form of discrimination. Not being given lighter duties due to pregnancy is also an issue that some policewomen must face.
Limited Job Opportunities
The IAWP prides itself on equality, and ensuring that women are presented equal opportunities in their career is one of its many focusses. Women may only be given duties involving child abuse, sex crimes, and domestic abuse and not be given the chance to participate in more intensive cases that are deemed “more masculine” such as gang related violence or murder. Women may also not be given the same opportunities as men when it comes to issues such as promotions and chances to further themselves in the criminal justice career. Forms of discipline also seem to have inequalities on the police force; where a woman may receive punishment, a man seems to receive none.
Prostitution Stings
Women police offices have also been subject to one form of police work that has been deemed questionable by many: prostitution stings. Prostitution stings may both endanger the lives of women officers or may degrade them. Women who take up this position may be objectified by male coworkers. It also offers important insight as to how sting operations may endanger and humiliate women, while men who participate in such operations do not face these consequences. Many police women feel as if they are being used for their bodies, and feel repulsed by the idea that they are acting as nothing more than an object in order to detain a man that is willing to pay for sex.

Asociación Internacional de Mujeres Policías
La Asociación Internacional de Mujeres Policías fue creada para fortificar y elevar el perfil de las mujeres en la justicia criminal.
Fue fundada en 1915 y Alice Stebbins Wells, la primera mujer policía en EEUU, fue designada como la primera presidente.
La asociación promueve la idea que las mujeres no deberían vivir con miedo de ser acosadas y deberían ser tratadas con respeto y justicia por cada uno de sus compañeros.
Uno de los principales objetivos de los cuales la asociación se enorgullece es la abolición de la discriminación de mujeres en la fuerza policial.
A las mujeres no se les darían las mismas oportunidades que a los hombres cuando se trata de promociones y oportunidades para avanzar en la carrera de la justicia criminal.
Las operaciones encubiertas de prostitución pueden poner en peligro la vida de oficiales mujeres o degradarlas.

In law enforcement, a sting operation is a deceptive operation designed to catch a person committing a crime. ... Sting operations are common in many countries, such as the United States, but they are not permitted in some countries, such as Sweden.

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Esto es parte del archivo Fuera de lo Común

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