Allen Dulles
El de abajo es un reporte de Allen Dulles
de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia
(CIA), por lo que debe tomarse con precaución. Dulles tuvo una larga y productiva experiencia en el campo del
espionaje y las relaciones extranjeras, conoció a Hitler
y Mussolini, y contactó a miembros de
la resistencia anti-Nazi. ¿Qué era la OSS durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial? En vocabulario:
blunder y émigrés.
empezamos esto de Protocols of the Elders
of Zion. Entérate
Allen W. Dulles: Spymaster
Allen W. Dulles
acquired a taste for intelligence work long before the OSS. During WWI Dulles
served in the American legation in Bern, Switzerland. His experience there
influenced him in his roles within the
OSS. In one instance, Dulles
cancelled a meeting with the then obscured Russian
revolutionary named Lenin so he could
keep a tennis date. After realizing his blunder
Dulles insisted that anyone who knocked on a case officer´s door deserved at
least a hearing.
Dulles kept a firm focus on foreign affairs throughout his career. He
travelled abroad frequently for both business and pleasure in the 1930’s. While
overseas he met Hitler and Mussolini among other foreign leaders. Dulles´s early disgust for Hitler is what inspired him to join the OSS.
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Kennedy and Dulles, 1961 |
In 1942 Dulles set up and led one of the most productive
OSS´s operations on Hitler´s doorstep in Switzerland. As Station Chief in there he got into the country just before its
border closed and successfully mounted intelligence operations there for the
remainder of the war.
Dulles established wide contacts with German
émigrés, resistance figures
and anti-Nazi intelligence officers. From them he learned about German foreign policy and military
matters such as their V-1 and V-2 rocket
Dulles´s sources informed him about German
breakthroughs in reading encrypted OSS
and State Department messages as well
as about a German spy codenamed Cicero, who worked in the household of
the British Ambassador in Turkey.
Dulles also helped arrange the early surrender of German troops in Italy
saving hundreds if not thousands of lives.
Allen Dulles was not estranger to the unconventional warfare
operations that the OSS introduced.
His long institutional experience and wide contacts superbly equipped him to
run war time operations in the OSS
and to be an accomplished Director of
Central Intelligence.
Dulles served as first civilian Director
of Central Intelligence from 1953 to 1961 during the Eisenhower administration… (Transcripted 1, 55 minutes)
Para saber
The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was a
wartime intelligence agency of the United
States during World War II, and a
predecessor to the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA). The
OSS was formed to
coordinate espionage activities behind enemy lines for all branches of the United States Armed Forces. Other OSS functions included the use of propaganda, subversion, and
post-war planning.
blunder: mistake, error, gaffe.
émigré: An émigré
(French: [emigʁe]) is a person who has emigrated, often with a connotation of political
or social self-exile. White Russian
émigrés and other opponents of the regime fled the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and its aftermath. Marx and Engels, drafting their strategy
for future revolutions in The Communist
Manifesto, suggested confiscating the property of émigrés to finance the revolution—a recommendation the Bolsheviks followed 70 years later. After
the October Revolution, more than
20,000 Russians went to Finland and Yugoslavia, notably Pyotr
Wrangel. Many however moved on to France.
Paris was the favourite destination for Russian
émigrés. Many others traveled east to China,
especially to Shanghai.
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