Monday, May 18, 2020

Lobsang Rampa

Lobsang Rampa era un autor británico que se especializaba en lo paranormal. Según Lobsang él era la encarnación de un monje tibetano y según algunos especialistas no era nada más que un charlatán, un fraude. Fraude o no, el libro de Lobsang Rampa, El Tercer Ojo, se convirtió en un best seller.

Para saber: Lama. En vocabulario: clairvoyance, fitter, con artist.

Lobsang Rampa escribió El Tercer Ojo en 1956. Según él en su cuerpo habitaba un lama tibetano, según Donald S. Lopez, Jr., especialista en tibetología; Rampa no era más que un estafador.

Lobsang apoyaba la causa tibetana. En la década del 60 Lobsang se mudó a Canadá escapando de las críticas de la prensa británica…

Lobsang Rampa is the pen name of an author who wrote books with paranormal and occult themes. His best known work is The Third Eye, published in Britain in 1956.

Following the publication of the book, newspapers reported that Rampa was Cyril Henry Hoskin, a plumber from Plympton in Devon who claimed that his body hosted the spirit of a Tibetan lama.
Lobsang Rampa
Lobsang Rampa
The title of the book is derived from an operation, similar to trepanation, that Rampa claimed he had undergone, in which a small hole was drilled into his forehead to arouse the third eye and enhance powers of clairvoyance.

The manuscript of The Third Eye had been turned down by several leading British publishers before being accepted by Secker and Warburg for an advance of £800 (£20,000 today).

To Donald S. Lopez, Jr., an American Tibetologist, the books of Lobsang Rampa are "the works of an unemployed surgical fitter, the son of a plumber, seeking to support himself as a ghostwriter."

Lobsang Rampa was a supporter of the Tibetan cause despite criticism of his books.

Faced with repeated accusations from the British press that he was a charlatan and a con artist, Rampa went to live in Canada in the 1960s.

Lobsang Rampa died in Calgary on 25 January 1981, at the age of 70.

Para saber
Lama: is a title for a teacher of the Dharma in Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan word "Lama" means "highest principle", and less literally "highest mother" or "highest parent" to show close relationship between teacher and student. Historically, the term was used for venerated spiritual masters or heads of monasteries.

Clairvoyance: the supposed faculty of perceiving things or events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.
"She stared at the card as if she could contact its writer by clairvoyance"
… and enhance powers of clairvoyance.

Fitter: a person who is skilled in the assembly and adjustment of machinery.
… the works of an unemployed surgical fitter.

Con artist: a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim. Defrauder, scammer.
… he was a charlatan and a con artist.

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Esto es parte del archivo: Hablando de monjes

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