¿Jeff Schoep? Y…
tenés que conocerlo, antes de refugiarte en EEUU. Jeff Schoep es el líder del Movimiento
Nacional Socialista en Estados Unidos,
es amante de Hitler, organiza
reuniones para hablar de la supremacía blanca, creó la NSM Skinhead Division y se enfoca en reclutar chicos entre 14 y 17
años. También ayudó a la madre de su hija a robar 4.000 dólares y a escapar en
un auto con 4 chicos en el interior, siendo sentenciado a probation. En el
video Jeff opina sobre las
deportaciones de EEUU y el crear un estado limpio, sin mezclas étnicas. Todo un
personaje este Jeff Schoep. En vocabulario
Schoep? Who is he?
Jeff Schoep claims he realized he was a Nazi in the fourth grade, when he read Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf. At 19, he went public, joining the National Socialist American Workers Freedom
Movement, a minor neo-Nazi group
founded in 1974 in South St. Paul, Minn., by Robert Brannen and Cliff
Herrington, both former officials of the American
Nazi Party of the 1960s.
Schoep tried to invigorate the aging hate group by distributing literature,
organizing rallies and recruiting younger members including unaffiliated racist
skinheads in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. As a result, he was soon a rising
star on the neo-Nazi scene. In 1994, Schoep was invited to speak at the Aryan Nations World Congress in Idaho, a
key neo-Nazi venue where he shared
the podium with white supremacist heavyweights like Louis Beam, J.B. Stoner,
and Neuman Britton.
In 1994, Schoep took over the National Socialist American Workers Freedom
Movement, renaming it the National
Socialist Movement, after the group's leader, Cliff Herrington, stepped
down. Schoep, then only 21, had been
a member since at least his later teens. Herrington hoped Schoep would be able to revitalize the group and attract younger
members. Schoep did reach out to
other groups, including the Klan, and
created a special NSM Skinhead Division
that offered discounted memberships to Skinheads for just $35.
![]() |
Adolf Hitler en Paris, 1940 |
In 1998, Schoep was arrested on a felony burglary
charge. According to court records, Schoep
— unemployed at the time — helped the mother of his daughter steal $4,000 worth
of computer equipment. Four children were in the back seat of the getaway car
during the burglary. Schoep pleaded
guilty and was sentenced to probation. The judge lambasted him
for his blatant hypocrisy in fathering a child out of wedlock and stealing —
behaviors that neo-Nazis routinely
ascribe to non-whites.
Under Schoep's leadership, the NSM grew rapidly and became one of the
most active neo-Nazi organizations in
the country, though it is frequently ridiculed by more elitist white
supremacists for the crudeness of its propaganda and its members' fetishistic
predilection for brown shirts, swastika armbands and shiny boots. Its growth,
however, was not so much due to Schoep's
organizing abilities as it was the near-collapse of two larger neo-Nazi groups, the National Alliance and the Aryan Nations, both of whose leaders
died in the early 2000s, and the upset of a third, the World Church of the Creator (later renamed the Creativity Movement), whose leader was sentenced in 2003 to 40
years in prison for soliciting the murder of a federal judge. But the NSM has managed to stay quite large even
as other start-up neo-Nazi groups
started out strong but failed to remain so.
Schoep is also
known for focusing on recruiting children — specifically, 14- to 17-year-olds
who Schoep says are taught military
skills and how to become a "more effective warrior" in NSM's Viking Youth Corps. Parents might want to proceed cautiously,
however. In 2004, Indiana authorities posted a photograph of that state's NSM leader, John Edward Snyder. Snyder
had been recently released from prison for rape and other sex charges and
banned from having any contact with children.
Lambasted: criticized, lectured, rebuked, reprimanded, reproached,
and scolded.
Cmmdr Jeff Schoep gets interviewed
NSM Michigan
—Tenemos tanta iconografía representando la muerte. Estamos
viendo símbolos que tradicionalmente representaron regímenes violentos en el
pasado, que han estado involucrados con total limpieza étnica. Solo recientemente
quitaron la esvástica de sus íconos. ¿Cómo pueden hablar de no violencia y
tener imágenes que representaron atrocidades?
— ¿Quién está llamando por genocidios y cosas como
esas? Nadie.
—Quiero decir que escuché por primera vez separación
étnica pacífica, pero ¿qué es pacífica? Ahora mismo tenemos deportaciones
violentas, separaciones étnicas violentas. Están pasando en este país ahora. Cosas
con las que simpatiza la gente en su movimiento. Creo que hay gente en su
movimiento que ve las deportaciones, separar a las familias y enviarlas a sus
países, como desarrollos positivos.
—Lo cierto es que entran ilegalmente y como
cualquier otro país del mundo si estás quebrantando la ley por supuesto tienes
que ser devuelto. Así es como son las cosas. Si vienes ilegalmente no perteneces
— ¿Y cómo separas pacíficamente étnicamente a la
gente que está legalmente?
—Estamos buscando nuestro propio estado. ¿Cómo sale?
Hay diferentes formas.
— ¿Dónde lo harías, dónde tendría lugar?
—No sé cómo contestar a eso. Todos tienen diferentes
preferencias. No lo sé.
— ¿Un área como esta?
—Esta es un área agradable.
Esto es parte de los archivos Nazis en Estados Unidos
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