Thursday, January 23, 2020

Cinderella Man

Max Baer

Max Baer, mal aconsejado por sus segundos y sin cumplir sus deberes en el gimnasio, se presentó mal preparado a pelear contra su rival James J. Braddock, el cenicienta de la pelea. Sorpresivamente Braddock aguantó todos los golpes y salió campeón. Para saber: James J. Braddock y en vocabulario: down-and-out, antics, outpointing y longshoreman

Braddock was given the nickname "Cinderella Man" by Damon Runyon because it was considered impossible for Braddock to defeat Bear…

I think he´s a great underrated fighter; Jimmy Braddock has a terrific right hand…

On June 13, 1935, one of the greatest upsets in boxing history transpired in Long Island City, New York, as Baer fought down-and-out boxer James J. Braddock in the so-called Cinderella Man bout. Baer hardly trained for the bout. Braddock, on the other hand, was training hard. "I'm training for a fight, not a boxing contest or a clownin' contest or a dance," he said. "Whether it goes one round or three rounds or ten rounds, it will be a fight and a fight all the way. When you've been through what I've had to face in the last two years, a Max Baer or a Bengal tiger looks like a house pet. He might come at me with a cannon and a blackjack and he would still be a picnic compared to what I've had to face." Baer, ever the showman, "brought gales of laughter from the crowd with his antics" the night he stepped between the ropes to meet Braddock. As Braddock "slipped the blue bathrobe from his pink back, he was the sentimental favorite of a Bowl crowd of 30,000, most of whom had bet their money 8-to-1 against him."
Max "undoubtedly paid the penalty for underestimating his challenger beforehand and wasting too much time clowning." At the end of 15 rounds Braddock emerged the victor in a unanimous decision, outpointing Baer 8 rounds to 6 in the "most astounding upset since John L. Sullivan went down before the thrusts of Gentleman Jim Corbett back in the nineties." Braddock took heavy hits from Baer but kept coming at him until he wore Max down.
Braddock was given the nickname "Cinderella Man" by Damon Runyon because it was considered impossible for Braddock to defeat Bear.
Jim Braddock
Jim Braddock
Max Baer Reveals His Opinion Of Braddock's Chances.
British Movitones News
Baer complimented Braddock – “terrific right hand”

—New Jersey. Max Baer, world heavyweight boxing champion will soon defend his title against Jimmy Braddock has changed his tune regarding other fighters qualities. What about Braddock, Mr. Bear?
—I think he´s a great underrated fighter, Jimmy Braddock has a terrific right hand and if he hits me on the chin on June 13 the fans will be playing moving day for little Maxi.
—What about Louis, … challenger?
—Well, he´s a great fighter. In fact he´s gonna be a sensation. I told my manager the other morning when I got out of bed I saw black spots appearing before my eyes and he said “pay no attention. It´s only Joe Louis.”

Para saber
James J. Braddock
Due to frequent injuries to his right hand, Braddock compensated by using his left hand during his longshoreman work, and it gradually became stronger than his right. He always remembered the humiliation of having to accept government relief money, but was inspired by the Catholic Worker Movement, a Christian social justice organization founded by Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin in 1933 to help the homeless and hungry. After his boxing comeback, Braddock returned the welfare money he had received and made frequent donations to various Catholic Worker Houses, including feeding homeless guests with his family.
Considered little more than a journeyman fighter, Braddock was hand-picked by Baer's handlers because he was seen as an easy payday for the champion, despite his recent impressive victories.

down-and-out: (of a boxer) knocked down and unable to continue fighting.
antics: amusing behavior.
outpointing: defeating on points.
longshoreman: a person whose job is loading and unloading ships

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Esto es parte del archivo: Baer, el campeón de la gente

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